Sunday 10 November 2013

QTP object spy

Its used to know object hierarchy, object Property, object operations and

property value. Everything visible in object spy, so that testers easily

know about how developers coded on the perticular object.

Object Hierachy - Show the object parent- child Hierarchy
Properties - The properties are same for all corresponding object.But different property value for all the objects. 

Ex: All the properties are same for all WinButton object. But Property values are different.

That means WinButton class have the same properties for all WinButton object

in application, But have different value.

Operations - The operations are same for all class of the object.  That

means WinButton class have the same operations for all WinButton object in


Standared object

Developer created the all object using Native class,Object class. Win Button

values are

Native Class = Button
Object Class = Button

But Visual basic assign the value for class name to WinButton

Class = WinButton

These kind of objects are called Standared Object.

some common object properties are

Class name = class name of the object 
regexpwndclass = its same as class name assigned by QTP
text = name of the object in application
regexpwndtitle = its same as text assigned by QTP
x,y = The X and Y axis value in the application.
abs_x,abs_y = The X and Y value is the desktop screen absolute location,  if

application location change in window, this value change automatically.
Focused = its focused or not
Enables = ITs enaabled or disabled
Height = this value assigned by desktop screen location, if application

location change in window, this value change automatically.

object spy operation

-> Highlight in application -> its hughlight the object in application

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