Sunday 10 November 2013

QTP Object Identification

1) QTP identify the class of the object when it learns object. The class

name can be WebEdit,WebLink,WebButton etc..

2) Then its identify the object by Mandatory Properties of the object, if

correct object get identifed then stop this secode step. if not its move to

next step

3) Then its identify th object first property of the Assistive Properties.

If correct object get identified then its stop this step. If not then its

verify the second property of the Assistive property and so on. This process

continues still correct object get identified. If object unable to find for

all Assistive property then is move to next step.

4)if smart identification check box disabled or QTP fail to identify the

object by smart identifiaction, then its move into next step.

5) Ordinal Identifier

QTP goto ordinal identifier, if QTP unable to find by Mandatory Property and

Assistive Property

Its have below two property

-> Index = assign default assign to the duplicate objects.

Ex: if all the buttons in application have same Mandatory and Assistive

Property that means al buttons have same name "ok" and same class name. So

then QTP move to ordinal identifier. Its assign index value for all same

kind of object as below

-> First OK button - Assignt the index value as 1
-> Second OK button - Assignt the index value as 2
-> Third OK button - Assignt the index value as 3

So by index value QTP identify the objects. if any place changes on two ok

button in application, its shows error. Because ordinal identifier values

are related with neibghours object value. so if any place changes on

neighbours object, its shows error.

-> Location = Each and every object have different location. So by location

its identify the object if they have same Mandatory and Assistive Property


-> Creation time  - Its only for web. that means if IE open first, then its

assign creation time index value as zero. and so on.

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