Monday, 30 March 2020

Difference between Web driver, Remote Web Driver and Chrome Driver


Web driver is interface.
Global for all browsers
The interface provide common methods signature for all browser.
Ex : findElement(), get(),switchTo()

Remote Webdriver

Remote Webdriver is concrete class  implements Webdriver.
The implementation of webdriver method is available  in Remote Webdriver Class.
The Class provide additional  method  which is not available in webdriver. Provide method to run selenium test in remote machine.
ex : getSessionID()

Chrome driver

Chrome Driver is class extends Remote Webdriver.
Only specific to Chrome browser.
The class have implementation for only chrome browser. 

Difference between String, String Builder and String Buffer

Immutable : Cannot change value
Mutable : Can change the Value

String :

 String is Immutable.
 If we update any existing String then it will create String object. It won't override existing value.

Ex : 
String S1="Testing"
print (S1)

String concat(String s1){
S1 = S1+"Java"


S1: Testing

String Builder

String Builder is mutable.
we can change value. if any thing update then it will override existing object itself.

Ex : 
StringBuilder S1="Testing"
print (S1)

String concat(String s1){
S1 = S1.append("Java")


S1: Testing Java

String Buffer

Both String Buffer and String builder same. Except one concept.
String Buffer is thread safe. we can refer the String buffer object via multi thread.

String Buffer is mutable. we can change value. if any thing update then it will override existing object itself.

Ex : 
StringBuffer S1="Testing"
print (S1)

String concat(String s1){
S1 = S1.append("Java")


S1 : Testing Java

When to use

String : if String object value contant entire program.
String Builder : If String object value need to change at any time.
String Buffer : If String object value need to change at any time. It can be access same value via multithread.