Thursday 14 August 2014

Steps for Downloading And Installing Testng In Eclipse For WebDriver

-> TestNG is very powerful and easy to use framework and it is supported by tools like Eclipse, Maven, IDEA, etc..

-> Here we are going to use TestNG Framework with Eclipse so obviously you must have installed latest Java development kit (JDK) in your system and you must have Eclipse.

TestNG Installation Steps In Eclipse

Refer this link ->

1) Open Eclipse and go to Menu Help -> Install New Software. It will open new software installation window.

2) In new software installation window, Type exactly in Work with field and click on Add button.

For Eclipse 3.4 and above, enter
For Eclipse 3.3 and below, enter

3) Type name as "TestNG" and select "ok"

4) TestNG should get displayed under the name section, select the TestNG check box, click next and finish installation. ( Note: If TestNG already installed, then Next button is disabled.).

5) Restart eclipse to finalize installation. After restarting eclipse TestNG will get configured automatically in eclipse IDE.

Error facing while install TestNG with eclipse.

We may face after step(3) - Type name as "TestNG" and select "ok".  like below

" Problem occurred

"installing Software" has encountered a problem.

An error occurred while collecting items to be installed "

So we need to restart Eclipse and then follow the steps in above TestNG Installation Steps In Eclipse.

How to verify TestNG installed successfully in Eclipse

-> Once you have installed the plug-in, restart Eclipse

-> select the menu Window -> Show View -> Other

-> Select Java category, then we can see the TestNG is listed.

-> And Click the Testng and observe the below scenario.

1) If TestNG tab will open in console without any error then TestNG installed Successfully.
2) If TestNG tab will open in console with any error then TestNG not installed Successfully.
3) If TestNG is not listed under Java category then the TestNG is not installed in our eclipse.

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