Monday 28 April 2014

Programming Types

1) Unstructured Programming -> No standared to write the program.

2) Structured Programming -> Follow some structured and standered to write the program.we can use label for this programming. But still here they have lack of reusability.

3) Procedural (Function) Programming -> we divide the program into mainidifferent procedure and make use of it. but its difficult to maintain those procedure in program.

4) Modular programing -> we can divide the procedure(function) as per the module and make reuse of it.

5) Object Oriented Programming -> Everything divided as a object. All objects have the PRoperties and Behaviour. Its used for identify those objects.

Ex 1: Car
Proeprties: Price, color,manufacturer
Behaviour : moving

The above informations are used to identify the perticular Pen(object).

Ex 2: Wheel
Properties : Price, color,manufacturer
Behaviour : Rotate

Car object used behaviour of Wheel object to completed the program. this is use of object oriented programming.

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