Sunday 13 October 2013

Difference between Smoke Testing and sanity testing :

1) Smoke : this is done to verify to check if we are in a position to start Testing:

1. Able to  Access to the Applications

2. Login to the application

3. Click on links to verify that we are not getting any errors/page crashes.


This is performed to check if the application performing the required functions correctly

like adding A+B should be C,  all the major links are working perfectly as per the requirement.that means if your scientific calculator gives the result of 2 + 2 =5! Then, there is no point testing the advanced functionalities like sin 30 + cos 50.

2) Smoke testing and sanity testing is performed after software build and before any functional testing, Regression testing and any other testing executed on the software build.

3) Smoke test is testing whether the build is working fine or not

whereas the Sanity is testing whether major functionalities are working fine or not before test execution...

4) Smoke can be done by testers and developers and Sanity by Testers.

5) Example for Smoke testing:
Taking a test ride to test the basic features (functionalities) of the bike can be compared to Smoke testing a product

Example for Sanity testing:
Testing the bike performance in detail after bringing it home can be compared to Sanity testing a product

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